Sandy Briggs above Gibbs Fiord
Sandy Briggs above Gibbs Fiord
Inspiring, informative and visually stunning school presentations based on John’s long skiing, kayaking and hiking expeditions on Canada’s arctic islands and other wild areas of the country
Inspiring, informative and visually stunning school presentations based on John’s long skiing, kayaking and hiking expeditions on Canada’s arctic islands and other wild areas of the country



Education about northern Canada
Goal setting & problem solving
Creativity & innovation
Celebrating Canada’s wilderness
Healthy living & physical exercise
Geography & history
Climate change & environment
Suitable for ALL grades
Content & delivery tailored to grade
HD projection on John's wide screen
Memorable images & informative video
Duration to fit school schedule
30-60 minutes +/- questions
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Education about northern Canada
Goal setting & problem solving
Creativity & innovation
Celebrating Canada’s wilderness
Healthy living & physical exercise
Geography & history
Climate change & environment
Suitable for ALL grades
Content & delivery tailored to grade
HD projection on John's wide screen
Memorable images & informative video
Duration to fit school schedule
30-70 minutes +/- questions
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“You have opened the gate to the road less travelled, to discussions about pursuing dreams, even if they are difficult, out of the ordinary or way off the beaten track. I appreciated the professionalism & quality of your presentation: how you seamlessly integrate video, photos and graphics into your show really adds to the quality. I know the students were inspired with what they saw, and so was I. Please let us know when you are available to tease more adventure out of the minds of my students. We would love to have you back. Bravo.” Dan Kenkel, Principal, Valemount Secondary, Valemount, BC
“In my teaching career, I have only once or twice been so delighted with a presentation in my school. One hundred grade 1-3 students were mesmerized by Johnʼs presentation. It was perfectly paced, interchanging still & motion pictures with his easy flowing commentary. He reminded us of the vastness and absolute beauty of our own country. The students asked very deep questions & John very skillfully answered them all. His sense of humour fit his presentation so well and left us wanting more. Thanks so much for coming, John.” Karen Norton, Principal, Jessie Duncan Elementary, Penhold, AB
"I really enjoyed John Dunn's presentation. He was a very funny, genuine speaker who was able to combine facts with adventure to make for a very fascinating presentation that was easy to listen to. Also his photographs and video made it all more real and easy to understand. Overall I found his presentation not only educational, but motivating to do what you love." Student, North West Central High, Plenty, SK
"Your reviews were fabulous! Bravo!!! Thank-you for sharing your passion for the north and our planet with our school community! You have inspired and challenged us by presenting many rich and thought provoking ideas. The next step in our learning will be conversations and actions to demonstrate change. We will definitely be bringing you back!" Roberta Kula, John de Graff School, Winnipeg, MB
“Thank you for visiting our school and sharing your amazing story.  I was thankful that our students were able to extend their perspective of our country to include the great north through your adventures. Your passion for exploring the unknown, your willingness to persevere and your curiosity to want to learn are excellent examples for all young people. We have never seen our students so captivated and eager to engage in questions." Marc Sprack, Westwood Middle School, Toronto, ON
"Inspiring presentation! John Dunn shares his exceptional journey, captivating students with his amazing photography, his wealth of information and his humorous anecdotes… Throughout his presentation, he enhances students’ understanding and knowledge of Canada’s geography and history, as well as the urgent need to protect the environment and tackle the issue of climate change." Sergine Gauvin, St. Vincent School, Quebec City, QC
“You have opened the gate to the road less travelled, to discussions about pursuing dreams, even if they are difficult, out of the ordinary or way off the beaten track.” Dan Kenkel, Principal, Valemount Secondary, Valemount, BC
“In my teaching career, I have only once or twice been so delighted with a presentation in my school.Karen Norton, Principal, Jessie Duncan Elementary, Penhold, AB
"He was a very funny, genuine speaker who was able to combine facts with adventure to make for a very fascinating presentation that was easy to listen to. " Student, North West Central High, Plenty, SK
"You have inspired and challenged us by presenting many rich and thought provoking ideas. " Roberta Kula, John de Graff School, Winnipeg, MB
We have never seen our students so captivated and eager to engage in questions." Marc Sprack, Westwood Middle School, Toronto, ON
"Throughout his presentation, he enhances students’ understanding and knowledge of Canada’s geography and history." Sergine Gauvin, St. Vincent School, Quebec City, QC
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Double Axel

The first recorded ski traverse of Axel Heiberg Island
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Journey North

A unique series of expeditions tracing a wild 8000 km S-N route through Canada
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Endless Day

The “best of” John’s many expeditions under the midnight sun
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Ellesmere Light

An innovative 50 day summer journey across Canada's northernmost island
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Double Axel

The first recorded ski traverse of Axel Heiberg Island
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Journey North

A unique series of expeditions tracing a wild 8000 km S-N route through Canada
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Endless Day

The “best of” John’s many expeditions under the midnight sun
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Ellesmere Light

An innovative 50 day summer journey across Canada's northernmost island
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